Search Results

3 Attorneys or Lawyers and 3 Law Firms that practice Litigation (Civil) in Waterkloof

  1. De Oliveira Serrão Attorneys (Waterkloof, Pretoria)
    Years of Practice: 30

    De Oliveira Serrão Attorneys embraces the highest standards of professionalism and integrity and as such can be trusted to do the right thing for each and every client. We are a multi-specialty law firm serving individuals and business entities throughout Pretoria, other areas of South Afric... click for more information

  2. Engelbrecht Attorneys, Mediators and Conflict Negotiators (Waterkloof Heights)

    Engelbrecht Attorneys is a boutique law firm who offer professional and legal services to individuals, businesses and schools. We focus on effective solutions in the following fields: Sequestration Voluntary Sequestration Compulsory Sequestration “Friendly” Sequestration Liquid... click for more information

  3. HJV Attorneys Inc (Waterkloof)
    Years of Practice: 7

    We are a boutique firm that offers affordable legal services that are customized according to the needs of each client and specialize in civil litigation, including commercial law, labor law, criminal law, and mediation services. HJV Attorneys was established in 2017. The Founding Member's vision w... click for more information

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    Years of Practice: 4    Position: Paralegal Assistant

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  6. Annick Lee Hough-Bergh
    Years of Practice: 15    Position: Founding Member

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