Search Results

1 Attorney or Lawyer and 1 Law Firm that practice Sports in Westville

  1. King-Essack & Associates Incorporated (Westville, Durban)
    Years of Practice: 58

    At King-Essack & Associates Incorporated, we believe that our clients, be they individuals, small businesses or large corporations have a right to clear and understandable legal advice from their attorneys. We strive to make our clients feel that they have benefited from our services and expertise. ... click for more information

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  3. Derek Wright
    Years of Practice: 34    Position: Director

    Derek was admitted as an attorney in 1990. He heads the firm's litigation department and has extensive experience in all aspects of commercial litigation. In his experience, a good litigator requires meticulous preparation and an eye for the finest detail. His approach is to leave nothing to chance... click for more information