Search Results

3 Attorneys or Lawyers and 3 Law Firms that practice Rehabilitation Orders in Brooklyn

  1. EY Stuart Inc (Brooklyn)
    Years of Practice: 36

    The firm was established 32 years ago on 1 April 1988 and has progressed to where we are today as an established incorporated law firm. Our team comprises our board of directors, professional assistants, candidate attorneys and administrative support staff. We are renowned in Pretoria as specialis... click for more information

  2. Shapiro & Haasbroek Inc (Brooklyn)

    Shapiro & Haasbroek Incorporated is one of the leading law firms based in Gauteng, South Africa. With a over 24 years of experience, Shapiro & Haasbroek Incorporated is your trusted and preferred legal partner. We specialise in divorce and family law practices and we have played an integral role in... click for more information

  3. Stéfan Swart Attorneys (Brooklyn, Pretoria)
    Years of Practice: 9

    A small law firm focusing on corporate-and-employment law matters. Having a simple but professional approach towards client related matters to ensure a strategic outcome by balancing a cost-efficient solution to achive the desired outcome. Our firm has a vast experience in various fields of the ... click for more information

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  5. Andries Olivier Stander
    Years of Practice: 17    Position: Director

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  6. Marvin Barnard
    Years of Practice: 14   

    Mr Barnard heads our debt collections department and has a proven track record of sucessful collections on behalf of both listed companies and individuals. In addition he assist clients with all Criminal matters including after hours bail applications click for more information

  7. Stéfan Swart
    Years of Practice: 18    Position: Director

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