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4 Attorneys or Lawyers profiles that practice Black Empowerment in Johannesburg Central

  1. Anandroy Ramdaw
    Years of Practice: 41    Position: Director

    Attorney 37 Years Conveyancer 32 Years Solicitor England and Wales 19 Years Barrister/Solicitor Australia 15 Years International Arbitrator Acting Judge Labour Court Past Ccma Commissioner who handled over 2500 Employment Law disputes click for more information

  2. Natasha Moni
    Years of Practice: 20    Position: Director

    Natasha Moni qualified in law from Wits University in 1999. After serving her articles she became an associate at the Labour Appeal Court. Natasha was admitted as an attorney in 2001 and has rights of appearance in the High Court of South Africa. She has worked for big law firms as a Professional As... click for more information

  3. Ravi Morar
    Years of Practice: 13    Position: Director

    An enthusiastic and eager-to-learn director, Ravi specializes in commercial litigation at Wright Rose-Innes, particularly recovery on rental financing agreements (including such agreements that have been securitized to special purpose entities). He also drafts business contracts. Having started his... click for more information

  4. Sithole Sisonke
    Position: Associate

    Professional Associate Civil Criminal Labour Litigation Divorces Maintenance click for more information