Search Results

2 Attorneys or Lawyers and 3 Law Firms that practice Access to Children in Vanderbijlpark

  1. CMM Attorneys Inc (Vanderbijlpark)
    Years of Practice: 17

    CMM Attorneys is a dynamic law firm that strives to provide personal attention to each client. Our office is situated in Vanderbijlpark and we have consultation facilities in Johannesburg. CMM is involved with Conveyancing and Litigation Matters throughout South Africa. We offer an encompassing arr... click for more information

  2. Figgins and Associates Attorneys Inc (Vanderbijlpark)

    We guide our clients through difficult issues, bringing our insight and solutions to each situation. It is our goal to assure that we clearly explain legal issues and options to our clients, so that together as a team we can make informed decisions. Figgins & Associates Attorneys Incorporated is a ... click for more information

  3. T. Shilowa Attorneys (Vanderbijlpark)
    Years of Practice: 3

    We are dedicated to assisting people with all their legal needs with professionalism, respect, efficiency and delicacy that the matter and our client requires. We are a firm that is 100% black and female owned that was established in June 2021 by Tintswalo Shilowa. click for more information

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  5. Pierre Figgins
    Years of Practice: 9    Position: Director

    As the Founder of Figgins & Associates Attorneys Incorporated, Pierre sets the bar high with his determination to succeed and his commitment to be the absolute best in any given field click for more information

  6. Tintswalo Shilowa
    Position: Director

    Tintswalo Shilowa is a Director and the Founder of T. Shilowa Attorneys. She completed her LLB in 2014 at the University of Limpopo. In 2015, she successfully completed the practical legal training. In 2015 she joined legalwise where she worked as a legal advisor. In 2016 she joined PG Sibuyi Atto... click for more information