The Definitive Guide For Attorneys In South Africa

Please mention when contacting us

DKA - De Kock & Associates Inc (Somerset West)

Phone Number:
Email address:
Areas Of Practice:
Arbitration, Association Agreements, Bankruptcy Law, Business Law, Capital Gains Tax, Civil, Collections, Commercial, Commercial Drafting, Company Law, Construction, Contracts, Debt Collections, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Employment Law, Engineering, Estates, Foreclosures, Franchising, Fraud, General Practice, High Court Practice, Industrial Relations, Insolvency, Labour Law, Leases, Liquidation, Liquor Law, Litigation (Civil), Litigation (Commercial), Litigation (Corporate), Litigation (Criminal), Litigation (General), Litigation (High Court), Mediation, Municipal Law, Partnership Agreements, Personal Injury, Planning Law, Property Law, Sale of Business, Sectional Title, Sequestrations, Shareholders Agreements, Town Planning, Transport Law, Trusts, Wills
Years of Practice:
2nd Floor, Somerset Centre, 121 Main Road, Somerset West, 7130
Western Cape / Cape Town
Somerset West
Postal Address:
P.O.Box 1772, Somerset West, 7129
How to find us:
Corner of Main Road and Victoria Street in Somerset West CBD - 2nd Floor, Somerset Centre. On corner of building is Mr Price on ground floor. Parking is available on first floor level - access (up a ramp) is off Victoria Street.

We do not only practice law, we understand it! Our motto says it all:
... Committed to Excellence through Service and Knowledge...

Ons leuse spreek van self:
...Verbind to Uitnemenheid deur DIens en Kennis...

Talk to us about your debt collections - we offer a call centre facility for an initial "softer approach" up to the full force of legal action - summons, attachment of assets,liquidation, sequestration.

We work on collection matters on fees as prescribed by the Cape Law Society, but in some instances (with merit in our sole discretion) we work on a "no success, no fee"-basis and only our costs/disbursements must be paid.

1. Since its inception on 1 August 1998 our firm has expanded extensively and we can confirm that we are enjoying the valued support and loyalty of clients, both local, nationally and internationally.

2. Our firm consists of various professional and non-professional staff, each specializing in various specialised disciplines of the law. We run a strong practice in, amongst others, the following disciplines: Conveyancing (private, estate agents, banks and property developers), Commercial law (business, construction, property, property development), Insolvency, Litigation (especially High Court), Estate planning.

3. We pride ourselves in:

  • our love for and commitment to our work and our clients;
  • virtues of proficiency, ethics, integrity and righteousness as the cornerstones of our practice;
  • providing a comprehensive and professional service to our clients;
  • building a good name which is based on the virtues mentioned above (and which has translated into many long relationships with our clients);
  • being a responsive firm with a well-organised structure, state-of-the-art information technology and other systems and facilities. Our IT-hardware consists of a fully operational internal network with direct e-mail and Internet facilities from every workstation;
  • our associations with other professionals which facilitates an even wider range of services;

All of the above ensures that we can offer a prompt and quality professional service, which has often surpassed expectations of both clients and colleagues.

4. We have no doubt that it would be mutually beneficial to formalize our relationship by appointing us as your attorneys. We have no doubt that we will meet all requirements in terms of professional commitment and service as we do at rendering same to existing clients who are also committed to us.

5. We hold good relations with various medium-large corporate clients, estate agents, mortgage originators, property developers, property management companies, liquidators, auctioneers, auditing firms and the like. References can be supplied on request.



We are all aware of the current recessionary times and tough economic conditions that virtually affect all people – globally and nationally. People are on a daily basis more and more “selective” in which bills to settle first as they struggle to cover their commitments every month – are you also experiencing a similar pattern amongst your debtors? How far down the line are you on the pay list of your clients this month? Are the financial problems of your debtors filtering through to your business and negatively affecting your bottom-line?

We are able to offer you access to a one-stop service from a professional Call Centre facility to full professional legal services from start to finish.

Why should you consider us as your debt collection partner?

  • A one-stop service from call centre collections to full legal action.
  • Tailor-made debt collection and debt enforcement processes and fee structure!
  • We do not stop after one phone call or letter!
  • Voice recorded telephone calls to your debtors ensuring professionalism!
  • Voice recorded debit orders to reduce turnaround times!
  • Fee options: From “no success, no fee basis” to fee-based collections – your choice.
  • We account to you on a monthly basis and do a pay-over of monies collected!
  • Our lawyers can advise you on all legal aspects pertaining to your credit management. 

 Experience leads to result!!

JJ De Kock - B.A.LLB(Stellenbosch)
Contact Person:
Jakkie De Kock