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Richard Summers Inc - Environmental Law Specialist (Cape Town)

Phone Number:
Areas Of Practice:
Environmental Law, Heritage Law, Planning Law
Unit 126 Victoria Junction, 57 Prestwich Street, De Waterkant, Cape Town
Western Cape / Cape Town
Cape Town
Postal Address:
P O Box 50075, Waterfront, 8001

Richard Summers Inc. is a law firm based in Cape Town specialising in the niche areas of Environmental, Heritage and Planning Law. The firm serves a broad client base, including private and commercial clients in the property development, petrochemical, refining and manufacturing sectors, and residents’ associations.   

The scope of the firm’s legal services include: land use planning approvals and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA); biodiversity offsets and offset agreements; renewable energy development projects (wind and solar); nuisance (interdicts); remediation of contaminated land; environmental due diligence and legal compliance audits. The firm’s attorneys are acknowledged experts in heritage resource management regulated by the National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999. Richard Summers served on several Heritage Western Cape (HWC) Committees including the HWC Impact Assessment Committee as well as being the erstwhile Chairperson of the HWC Appeals Committee.

Richard Summers was the Chairperson of the Environmental Law Association from 2007-2010 and is the author of several Environmental Law journal articles.  Richard has lectured on various environmental law related topics at the University of Cape Town, Stellenbosch University as well as the University of the Free State.  

Contact Person:
Richard Summers