Daniel–Ross Richards
Years of Practice: 15 Position: DirectorMr. Richards is a Director and co-founder of Cavanagh & Richards Attorneys and has obtained his Baccalaureus Legum (LLB) degree at the University of Pretoria. Mr. Richards obtained his Magister Legum (LLM) in Commercial Law and a certificate in Advance Labour Law with a distinction at the Universit... click for more information
Yvette Uys
Years of Practice: 21 Position: AttorneyMs. Uys completed both her BCom Law and LLB degrees at the University of the Witwatersrand. Ms. Uys worked as a candidate attorney at Simpson – Van Niekerk Attorneys where she gained experience in general litigation, collections, family law and contractual law. After Ms. Uys was admitted, sh... click for more information