More than 20 years experience in:
- Patent filing, prosecution and litigation in the Life Sciences field of Pharmaceutical, Veterinary, Medical, Biotech, Biochemical, Microbiological, Plant Breeders' Rights (‘PBR’) and Genetically Modified Organisms (locally and international).
- Drafting of agreements pertaining to Plant, Biological Material, Genetically Modifies Organisms and Bio-Prospecting.
- Anton Pillar Orders.
- Product liability and mitigation of risk and damages, registered designs, regulatory matters under: Act 101 (‘Medicines Act’), PBR Act, Plant Improvement Act, Agricultural Pests Act, Genetically Modified Organisms Act;
- Patent prosecution in a wide variety of jurisdictions and fields of technology.
- Intellectual Property Law and Intellectual Property auditing.
- Design filing, prosecution and litigation (locally and international).
Technical areas of expertise include: Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical, Veterinary, Medical, Biotech, Biochemical, Microbiological, Plant Breeders’ Rights and Genetically Modified Organisms.