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Nozipho Sybil Mvulane

Areas Of Practice:
Arbitration, Black Empowerment, Civil, Civil Unions, Collections, Commercial, Commercial Drafting, Company Law, Company Registrations, Contracts, Corporate, Cyber - Bullying / Defamation / Stalking, Debt Collections, Debt Review, Employee Benefits, Employment Equity, Employment Law, Franchising, Gay Rights / Same Sex Rights, Human Rights, Insolvency, Labour Law, Land Rights, Liquor Law, Litigation (General), Litigation (Magistrates Court), Mediation, Medical Negligence, Occupational Health and Safety, Partnership Agreements, Pensions and Retirement Funds, Personal Injury, Professional negligence, Property Law, Provident Fund disputes, Reproductive Law, Retirement Fund Law, Sexual Harassment, Shareholders Agreements, Social Media, Surrogacy Law, Trusts, White Collar Crime, Wills, Wrongful Death
Phone Number:
Years of Practice:
No. 64 8th Avenue Morningside Durban
Kwazulu Natal / Durban
Postal Address:
No. 64, 8th Avenue, Morningside, Durban, 4001
BA, LLB (Rhodes)
Project Management (New Generation Skills)
Insolvency Law (Law Society of South Africa - LEAD)

In 2011, Nozipho obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Studies, IsiXhosa Second Language and law from Rhodes University. She then went on to further her studies and completed her Bachelor of Laws degree from Rhodes University in 2013.

Nozipho is an admitted attorney who is skilled in South African labour law, CCMA matters, unfair labour practices, unfair dismissals, retrenchments under section 189 of the Labour Relations Act, contractual disputes in terms of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act and arbitrations.

She also has extensive knowledge on the compliance aspects surrounding labour law, and is an expert on drafting all policies and procedures to enhance companies.

Nozipho has experience in litigation, commercial and debt collection matters. She is also familiar with content surrounding establishing, maintaining and reporting of the compliance function within an organisation.

She is comfortable in front of large audiences of different genders, languages and cultural backgrounds, and enjoys research and providing training support.

Nozipho has recently completed a Project Management certificate, and as a result is able to deal with all aspects surrounding management and diarising of matters.

She has experience in both the legal and corporate sector.

Nozipho is multilingual and is comfortable with conversing with people in English, IsiXhosa and IsiZulu. She strives to ensure justice for all, and is keen to assist in all avenues of the legal field.

English, IsiZulu, Xhosa