Marietjie has extensive experience in the field of Personal Injury Law and specifically Medical Malpractice Law.
She was (in addition to many other successful High Court cases) the attorney responsible for three major Appellate Court cases:
In all three cases, full bench judgments were given in favour of the parties she represented. Two of these matters involved claims for damages arising from brain injuries suffered due to medical negligence and the third involved a retinopathy of prematurity case (where a premature baby was rendered blind because of the negligence of the medical practitioners that care for him at the time.
With the experience gained in the field of medical negligence/malpractice law and her knowledge of medical terminology, procedures and jargon, Marietjie is fully equipped to handle cases for damages arising from the sub-standard care/treatment received from any medical/paramedical service provider including but not limited to hospitals, doctors, dentists, psychologists, nurses and others.