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Elize Fourie-Hendry

Areas Of Practice:
Access to Children, Adoption, Antenuptial Contracts, Children's Rights, Constitutional, Constitutional Class Actions, Contracts, Custody, Deceased Estates, Divorce, Divorce Mediation, Domestic Partnerships, Domestic Violence, Extradition Law, Family Law, Fostering, Gay Rights / Same Sex Rights, High Court Practice, Human Rights, Immigration / Emigration, International Child Abduction, Litigation (Constitutional), Litigation (High Court), Litigation (Magistrates Court), Maintenance, Matrimonial, Mediation, Medical Negligence, Partnership Agreements, Pensions and Retirement Funds, Permanent and Temporary Residence Permits, Personal Injury, Reproductive Law, Sexual Harassment, Surrogacy Law
Phone Number:
Cell Number:
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Years of Practice:
First Floor, Business Chambers 2 Dynarc Corporate Building 31 Courtney street (c/o Meade) George 6529
Western Cape / Cape Town
Postal Address:
Posbus 208, George, 6530, 6530
B.Cur.(RAU), Hons B.Cur (Cum Laude), B.Proc., LL.B (Unisa)

Elize practices in all aspects of divorce-, family- and children's law and appears regularly in Maintenance Courts, Domestic Violence Courts and Divorce Courts.

Elize was a lector at the University of Stellenbosch for 13 years as a registered nurse practitioner specializing in Psychiatric- and Community Nursing.  She was admitted as attorney in 2000 and has right to High Court Appearance.

Elize has an indepth understanding, knowledge and an extensive experience of the divorce process and parenting plans.

Elize assists clients through the legal court process of a divorce, in maintenance courts, and in domestic violence- and harrassment court appearances.  Elize is a trained and experienced mediator and member of an arbitration forum.

Ellze manages personal injury- , medical negligence-, and other negligence claims in conjuction with a leading specialist Cape Town law firm.

Tel:  082 372 5535


Elize praktiseer in alle aspekte van egskeidings-, familie- en kinderreg en verskyn gereeld in Onderhoudshowe, Gesinsgeweldhowe en Egskeidingshowe.

Elize was 'n lektriese by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch vir 13 jaar as geregistreerde verpleegkundige met spesialisasie in Psigiatriese- en Gemeenskapsverpleegkunde. Sy is in 2000 toegelaat as prokureur en het Hoë Hof verskyningsregte

Elize se benadering is gebasseer op mediasie om gesamentlik regsprobleme vir die gesin tydens egskeidings of die voorbereiding van ouerskapsplanne te vind.

Sy glo egter daarin dat die howe daar is om die regte van beide ouers en alle kinders te beskerm en indien hulle veiligheid en/of regte benadeel word, om onmiddellik die howe vir bystand te nader.

Afrikaans, English