Shalene Schreuder has many years of experience in the field of Deceased Estates, Wills, Estate Disputes, Trusts, Rehabilitations, Sequestrations, High Court Litigation pertaining to the said areas of law and business, being a remarkable business women. After many years as Assistant Master at the Master of the High Court, Cape Town, during which time she headed the Insolvency Department inter alia she adjusted to private practice and headed a practice at one of the leading law firms in Cape Town wherafter she embarked on her current career path, heading Shalene Schreuder Attorneys.
Due to her own business acumen and many years heading the Insolvency Division at the Master Cape Town she gained valuable experience in the field of business and is in a good position to assist her clients with their legal problems which she addresses in a practical way within the parameters of the law. She allways assists them to try and settle matters as litigation can be very costly.
Shalene Schreuder, besides being a practising attorney,currently holds the position as a Commissioner for the Small Claims Court, Goodwood and Kuils River, due to her many years of experience in the field of Law and enjoys her chosen career path tremendously.