Search Results

6 Attorneys or Lawyers and 3 Law Firms that practice Bills of Legal Costs in Randburg

  1. Hesselink Attorneys Incorporated
    Years of Practice: 11

    Hesselink Attorneys Incorporated strives to provide legal advice to both individuals and commercial entities who need reliable representation and advice in legal proceedings and legal matters. As attorneys, we endeavour to make sure our clients receive the highest representation and benefit offered ... click for more information

  2. Otrebski Attorneys

    Otrebski Attorneys Inc is a small boutique law firm located next door to Randburg Magistrate's Court. The firm is deliberately kept small to ensure personalized service and direct accountability. The firm specializes mostly in criminal law, commercial law and family law. Otrebski Attorneys Inc main... click for more information

  3. Wollnik and Associates Incorporated (Randburg)
    Years of Practice: 24

    23 Years' Experience! Practice Areas of Expertise:Debt Collection, Family Law, Labour Law, Civil and Criminal Litigation, Labour Court and Labour Appeal Court, Magistrate's Court, and High Court Protecting your interests and preserving relationships. We aspire to form business relationships built... click for more information

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  5. Angelique Meijer
    Years of Practice: 14    Position: Attorney

    Mrs Meijer completed her LLB degree at the North-West University, Potchefstroom in 2009 and was admitted as an Attorney in Pretoria High Court in September 2011. Since 2013 she is head of litigation at Meijer Attorneys and has a special interest in Divorces, Maintenance, assistance with Responsibili... click for more information

  6. Bianca Taljaard
    Years of Practice: 4    Position: Director

    Bianca is an ambitious and enthusiastic individual. She first completed a BCom Degree with majors in Law, Economics and Business Studies, before completing, a Bachelor of Laws Degree thereafter, both from the North West University, Potchefstroom. Her BCom degree groomed her into a character with a p... click for more information

  7. Jannie Hesselink
    Years of Practice: 30    Position: Director

    I have practical experience in the Legal and Business Industry since 1991, am duly and professionally qualified in all areas of specialization where I predominantly worked in the private sector as a Legal Practitioner, Notary and Conveyancer, Mediator, Business-, Leadership- and Transformational Coa... click for more information

  8. Johann Muller
    Years of Practice: 8    Position: Professional Assistanct

    "I just want to learn more and more about the law" After completing his BCom LLB he gained some experience in the business world first. But the law beckoned and in 2014 he started his articles. On 18 January 2016 he was admitted as a lawyer. "I'd like to help people that justice can prevail" At ... click for more information

  9. Kristy West
    Years of Practice: 11   

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  10. Leon Wollnik
    Years of Practice: 25    Position: Director

    Leon as an analytical personality type is very deep and thoughtful. He is a serious and purposeful individual. He sets a very high standard, so has a very high standards of performance personally and professionally. He is orderly and organized and also tends to have that really dry but witty sense o... click for more information