Search Results

2 Attorneys or Lawyers and 1 Law Firm that practice Company Registrations in Menlo Park

  1. Stegmanns Incorporated (Menlo Park)
    Years of Practice: 133

    Stegmanns Incorporated was established in 1890 and is a respected legal partner that offers practical legal solutions and exceptional levels of client service that meeting the ever-changing requirements and challenges of South African corporates, financial institutions, SMEs and individuals. Suppor... click for more information

  2. Attorney Search Results

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  3. Anrich van Stryp
    Years of Practice: 2    Position: Professional Assistant

    Anrich received his BA (Law) Majoring in Psychology from the University of Pretoria in 2017 and his LLB in 2019. Anrich served on the International Association of Woman Judges for 2019 and worked under Judge Teffo at the High Court of Pretoria during that time. He was admitted as an attorney in May... click for more information

  4. Jana Doussy
    Years of Practice: 12    Position: Director

    Jana is an Attorney of the High Court of South Africa with many years of experience. She is an Associate of the South African Institute of Intellectual Property Law (SAIIPL) and her expertise extends to all aspects of Intellectual Property and Commercial Law. She is also experienced in High Court a... click for more information