Search Results

1 Attorney or Lawyer and 1 Law Firm that practice Local Government Law in Arcadia

  1. Clarinda Kügel Attorneys (Arcadia, Pretoria)
    Years of Practice: 32

    This firm was established in 1996 and has since been practising in the Arcadia Area in Pretoria in several fields of the law. We have specialised knowledge and experience in several areas, and although we specialise in all the fields mentioned under services, we are well known for Labour Law, Family... click for more information

  2. Attorney Search Results

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  3. Clarinda Kügel
    Years of Practice: 32    Position: Director

    Clarinda has over 25 years of experince and specializes in Labour Law as well as Third Party and personal injury matters. During her career as attorney she handled several leading litigation and corporate matters. click for more information