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5 Attorneys or Lawyers profiles that practice Banking in Paarl

  1. Anville van Wyk
    Years of Practice: 47    Position: Managing Director

    Anville obtained his BA LLB degree at the University of Stellenbosch in 1974. He served his articles with Silberbauers Attorneys in Cape Town and joined Solomon Miller, Hymie Maisel and Willem Gaum in Paarl in May 1977. As managing director, Anville is an experienced and seasoned attorney who comm... click for more information

  2. Nazlee Abrahams
    Years of Practice: 24    Position: Director

    Nazlee Abrahams grew up in Paarl and obtained the degrees B.Sc. and LLB from the University of Stellenbosch in 1992 and 1997 respectively. She commenced with her articles at Van Wyk Fouchee in 1998 and was admitted as an Attorney with right of appearance in the High Court in 2000 after which she co... click for more information

  3. Willem B Van Heerden
    Years of Practice: 21    Position: Director

    Willem van Heerden is a Director at Van Wyk Inc. in the dispute resolution, litigation and mediation department. He specialises in contractual disputes, company law, shareholder issues, evictions, family law, banking law and insolvency law. He provides sound strategic advice and direction on all c... click for more information

  4. Charl Ackermann
    Years of Practice: 17    Position: Director

    Charl obtained his law degree at the North West University in 2008 whereafter he finalised his articles at Van Velden & Duffey Attorneys. He practised at the same firm and became a director in 2014. Charl was recruited by Van Wyk Van Heerden Inc. in 2017 in order to strengthen and assist our growi... click for more information

  5. Talbot Sadler
    Years of Practice: 25    Position: Director

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