Search Results

3 Attorneys or Lawyers and 1 Law Firm that practice Rehabilitations in Kempton Park

  1. Cerese Kruger Troskie Attorneys Inc (Kempton Park)
    Years of Practice: 30

    We render quick and efficient services from the time we receive your instructions and guarantee personalised service from the onset. Due to the size of our firm, we can maintain a cost-effective and client-focused practice. We believe in personal service – you always have direct access to you... click for more information

  2. Attorney Search Results

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  3. Ben Van der Berg
    Years of Practice: 32    Position: Sole proprietor

    Ben Van der BergB.Com. LLB (RAU) Family mediator SAAM AttorneyBen established the Law Firm in 1992 in Kempton Park.Furthermore, he also established the Law Gallery in 1994, promoting the work of local artists.Ben specialises in Family law, specifically Divorce and Custody. click for more information

  4. Christelle Lourens
    Years of Practice: 10    Position: Managing Director

    Miss Christelle Lezelle Lourens is an admitted attorney that started her roots in the confines of Kempton Park. Since starting her articles in January 2011, she has strived for client service excellence and that mentality has been followed into her years of practise after admittance. She is sure he... click for more information